Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yep, I'm a Liar

I admit it full-heartedly. I have not kept up with my promise. I have not written often. In fact, I missed a month, maybe two. But that's not my fault. I blame school. (Does anyone really like things like math 1050 or physics? Nah, I don't think so.)
But perhaps the biggest reason  have not kept up (okay, so it's only been a week since this reason became valid...) is NaNoWriMo. That's right; you read it correctly. NaNoWriMo is a fantastic website that holds all my wildest dreams in it's open hands. This is the year I will make the time to write this story I have been so excited for ever since I came up with the idea a year or three ago. This is going to be the fantastic time I will prove that I am an author. And, if I am ahead of schedule, maybe I'll introduce another story. (Actually, if I can hold it in until next November, I may use that idea for November 2014. My, that sounds so far away!)
Anyway, maybe I'll find time to write this entry I have been dying to (the problem is I can't remember the topic right now...oops).

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Well...I feel a bit guilty...bad...ashamed...etc. etc. I know I promised to keep up with this blog, but with classes in session, I can hardly function (a slight hyperbole), let alone inform all you non-readers. It's just that college is no mean feat (it is, but who appreciates that nowadays? I mean, save yourself time and money and hit the road to LA, audition for some singing or maybe an indie movie, then tell them you're fine with being completely computerized, digitally altered, and sold off as something you're not. Lie to the general public. They also quit school, so they will adore you as if you're not even a human being, but a demigod or actual god. Or take the easy route by becoming the disgusting new celeb who's famed for their...promiscuous ways and sickening music videos.).
Now, I assure you that I had an actual topic in mind when I logged on to my blog, but I can't remember what it was. Gosh dang it! I was thinking about it last night when I was drifting off. (Isn't it unfortunate that all my best ideas come at night when I'm in bed or when I'm in the shower and can't remember long enough to write them down? Urgh!).
So, a random side note. Yesterday, a few of my mates and I ate lunch at a park, and one such girl had a tub (I mean a tub, not a little plastic can thingy) of cookie dough she had accidentally left in her car. Naturally, we had to open it and eat about half of the dough. We did not heed the warning on the lid that stated that the dough should not be consumed raw. In fact, the word "not" was completely scratched out, so really the tub was telling us to consume the raw dough.
To get to my point, I still have a good-sized amount of dough left (I had a baggie that I stuffed some in, and now I have eaten my way through all but the size of my fist, or maybe a large baseball-and yes, I know baseballs are the same size, but it's more than that by a titch-and I have great plans for the remaining dough).
Some of my friends have told me of baking a cake, brownie, or cookie in a cup. Apparently, you throw in random ingredients like milk, egg(s), vanilla, flour, salt, sugar, cocoa chips, baking powder (soda?), into a cup, mix it, stick it in the microwave, and cook it until they form a solid food that may or may not be edible.
I have been wanting-almost yearning-to try this, but I first need to convince the female parental unit of my household. However, since I have a surplus of dough and won't be using any of her cooking stuff, I'm going to plop it in a cup, cover it with a strainer (ha! can't use the "You'll dirty the microwave" excuse now), and cook it, just to see how it turns out. I need to be rid of this dough.
It's actually kind of gross. Before I arrived home to stick it in the fridge, some of the grease (I'm guessing the butter) started to...come out of the dough, coating the outside of it. When I refrigerated it and pulled it out today, all the butter had hardened, so there was a yellow rind of butter on my poor dough, and after I scrape it off, I will indeed be trying this newfangled idea.
I suppose I'll keep you posted, but don't expect anything. I'm not holding this blog up as well as I thought I could. Blame higher education!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Moment To Analyze Today's Literature (Amongst Other Media)

Well, this is embarrassing...if you're perhaps a guy or otherwise non-young-adult-reading teenaged girl with way too many book crushes. The purpose of this post is to inform these sad fellows why they seem to longer snag dates or impress girls they may have once ruled. Dear readers, let me introduce you to the world of young adult novels. And by young adult, I mean to immediately eliminate the 2% of male-aimed books and only include books written for teenage girls who are a bit silly for their own good, and young adults, and, heck, even middle aged women (who are a bit ridiculous--I mean, hardly any young girls have Twilight clubs, but I know for a fact that there are many groups dedicated to Twilight, of all things, ran by older women...unfortunately, I may become one of those creeper women when I reach my 40s and am still avidly reading series that are better off without long as I'm not reading Twilight...).
   I suppose I'm writing this because I feel a wee bit bad about all my book character infatuations. I mean, this is getting serious. I reread and rereread books because of certain characters, such as Warner from Shatter Me, Four/Tobias from Divergent, Patch from Hush, Hush, Kaidan from Sweet Evil, Ren from Tiger's Curse, John from Abandon, Perry from Under the Never Sky, Astley from Need, Chase from Article 5, Fade from Enclave, Michael from Hourglass, and I could literally keep typing, but I think those reading get the picture.
   Authors make these guys so imperfectly perfect. I always despise characters who are just perfect with no problems. What's the point in writing a story about someone with no problem? The purpose of the book is to describe one's journey from a problem to a bigger problem (if it's a series), an inspiration, a conclusion, a something. I appreciate their flaws. Recently, Warner is my favorite because he's the bad guy of the book, but I'm so horribly drawn to his story rather than Adam's. I guess girls do go for the bad boys...but I blame authors for making them so dang lovable.
   Nowadays, writers have gone all epic, intense, dramatic, and melancholy. Breathtaking boys with heartbreaking pasts. Totally draws in the ladies, if you know what I mean.
   After reading all these books, girls tend to associate attractive guys with these attractive fictional characters. (Have you ever read Austenland by Shannon Hale? ((It's hilarious, and it's been made into a movie!)) In Austenland, the main character is hopelessly obsessed with Mr. Darcy and Colin Firth from the BBC movie, so she can't focus on anybody real because she too greatly appreciates the qualities personified in books and on the big screen. I'm sorry to say it, but that is what you're facing with young-adult-novel-reading people today.) Do you know how hard it is to compete with these guys? Way too hard. That's why I'm apologizing now for the lack of girls' attention towards males.
   There's my rant; I must be off. I'm traveling again.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Moment of Deep-Rooted Appreciation

   I have a thing for cover artists. I despise the radio because it's so low and degrading and it puts me in a pretty bad mood because it's so foul and whatnot. Because of this predicament, I have turned to YouTube in time of need. It is there that I have found my solace. The talent found on a video sharing site compared to what these famous singers supposedly have is incredible.
   The reason I bring all this up today is because I have been very bored this morning and decided to check for updates on YouTube. Therefore, I will list these beloved artists, and perhaps you will find them and love them as well. In no particular order (but perhaps a bit on the first few...):
Charlie Puth
Tanner Patrick
Grant Scott
Alex Goot
Peter Hollens
The Piano Guys
Lindsey Stirling
Nick Pitera
Matthias Harris
Ricardo Munoz
Tyler Ward
Madilyn Bailey
Luke Conard
Jona Selle
Sam Tsui
Corey Gray
Mike Tompkins
Tanner Howe
    These are my most favorite artists. To them, I dedicate an ode which will be written and posted at some later point if I don't forget/get too lazy.
   Until then, I bid you adieu.

Monday, June 24, 2013

My New Babies

    Yep, you read right. I have some new tykes in my life. Five of them to be exact. The funny thing is, they kind of look like...superheroes. But I promise that they are not, in fact, superheroes. Perhaps to me, because I'm they're mommy. They all have strange birthmarks on their chests, and some of them have eye problems that make it look like they're wearing masks, but I love every little flaw of each of my babies.

    Giggly Zap is the oldest, and he's a great brother, even if he looks a bit like a pug. He can run faster than my eye can see, almost like he's transporting in a flash. Fluffity Glow has a strong personality. Others have said it's like he has his own lantern in his heart or soul. My only girl, Huggly Awe, has a stop-dead appearance that leaves you in wonder, and a empathetic personality to boot. Sparkly Night is a prodigy genius who loves to play with all my technological gadgets. He's also very quiet and stealthy like a bat in the night. The baby of them is Cutie-Pie Soar. Although he's young, he can out jump any of the others, almost like he's flying. The kid has super-stamina like none other.
    I love these kids so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life being with them. They're the best family I could have asked for (or chosen...ha! Adoption rocks.).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Good News

I obviously fixed it. Or maybe not so obvious if you never saw the other format. Thank goodness I solved these problems. They were driving me nuts! I'm still deciding whether or not I want to go through the old posts and  un-italicize them all. I don't even know how I switched them to italics, every single post.
Anyways, quick, rather pointless, update. I'm just proving that I'll take better care of this blog.

So Much For Promises

    Yes, I had promised to keep this blog updated. No, I did not keep it updated. I am very ashamed of myself. However, I am here to make amends.
     First off: When you update your Blogger profile, you can generate a random question to answer. The below paragraph is my response to one such question, but my answer surpassed the word limit and wouldn't allow me to save it, so I decided to post it for your amusement.  
Random Question: Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?    
    You know, many people have asked me if I believe that forks evolved from their admitted distant relatives, the spoons. I believe that forks are an entirely different species; however, when they get together with a spoon, a spork is created. Think horse...donkey...mule. Sporks don't mate. Just their parents. It is known that all species evolved from one common piece of silverware: the caveman hands. As their brains adapted, cavemen created stick- and stone-ware. They were still very greedy and often threw their stick- and stone-ware at each other, hence the "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" saying. They had no insults due to the small size of their brain. Unfortunately, the phrase is not true because words hurt in places that sticks and stones could never reach. Therefore, I have reason to conclude that spoons and forks are nothing more than pieces of silverware that are attracted to each other. For more information, you can read my new bestseller, "Curves and Spikes: A Memoir of Modern Silverware."
    Ach! My blog is acting up again (the font does not obey me). I'll fix it (or attempt to) and will perhaps do a book review if I can figure out why my blog won't shrink down pictures.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Forgotten by Cat Patrick
London Lane has a problem: Every night (well, 4:33 AM), she forgets all her memories of the day. She relies on her phone, notes she writes every night, and her mom, to keep her in check and acting as if she does remember the days she leaves only in ink.
    The strange-slash-awesome thing is that she does have memories, but they're from the future. So she depends on her notes and memories to get through the day. She doesn't seem to have too many problems until a new guy shows up and happens to be absent from her "memories."           
    What ensues is a book of mystery and surprise as she gets to know the guy who happens to have a few secrets of his own, learns of her mom's deceit, and begins to question her own life.
I enjoyed this read. I started it, but then had to drop it in favor of schoolwork. I eventually hunkered down and read it, finishing it within the day. I loved the idea and the concept, and the characters were pretty well rounded.
For lack of time, I must end this review, so I sum it up with saying that this book offered a good read that left me awaiting the second (and I still am), so I give it 5 stars. *****

Back And At 'Em

Wow, I was not expecting this year to be so busy! I have been reminding myself over and over to type up a post, but I just couldn't find the time with University back in session and whatnot. I haven't been able to read as much either, unfortunately, so I only have a few books to review on here, so that will hopefully up my post count to make it look as if I'm actually visiting this neglected site. Anyways, I have made a post, so this was successful.