Monday, June 24, 2013

My New Babies

    Yep, you read right. I have some new tykes in my life. Five of them to be exact. The funny thing is, they kind of look like...superheroes. But I promise that they are not, in fact, superheroes. Perhaps to me, because I'm they're mommy. They all have strange birthmarks on their chests, and some of them have eye problems that make it look like they're wearing masks, but I love every little flaw of each of my babies.

    Giggly Zap is the oldest, and he's a great brother, even if he looks a bit like a pug. He can run faster than my eye can see, almost like he's transporting in a flash. Fluffity Glow has a strong personality. Others have said it's like he has his own lantern in his heart or soul. My only girl, Huggly Awe, has a stop-dead appearance that leaves you in wonder, and a empathetic personality to boot. Sparkly Night is a prodigy genius who loves to play with all my technological gadgets. He's also very quiet and stealthy like a bat in the night. The baby of them is Cutie-Pie Soar. Although he's young, he can out jump any of the others, almost like he's flying. The kid has super-stamina like none other.
    I love these kids so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life being with them. They're the best family I could have asked for (or chosen...ha! Adoption rocks.).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Good News

I obviously fixed it. Or maybe not so obvious if you never saw the other format. Thank goodness I solved these problems. They were driving me nuts! I'm still deciding whether or not I want to go through the old posts and  un-italicize them all. I don't even know how I switched them to italics, every single post.
Anyways, quick, rather pointless, update. I'm just proving that I'll take better care of this blog.

So Much For Promises

    Yes, I had promised to keep this blog updated. No, I did not keep it updated. I am very ashamed of myself. However, I am here to make amends.
     First off: When you update your Blogger profile, you can generate a random question to answer. The below paragraph is my response to one such question, but my answer surpassed the word limit and wouldn't allow me to save it, so I decided to post it for your amusement.  
Random Question: Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?    
    You know, many people have asked me if I believe that forks evolved from their admitted distant relatives, the spoons. I believe that forks are an entirely different species; however, when they get together with a spoon, a spork is created. Think horse...donkey...mule. Sporks don't mate. Just their parents. It is known that all species evolved from one common piece of silverware: the caveman hands. As their brains adapted, cavemen created stick- and stone-ware. They were still very greedy and often threw their stick- and stone-ware at each other, hence the "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" saying. They had no insults due to the small size of their brain. Unfortunately, the phrase is not true because words hurt in places that sticks and stones could never reach. Therefore, I have reason to conclude that spoons and forks are nothing more than pieces of silverware that are attracted to each other. For more information, you can read my new bestseller, "Curves and Spikes: A Memoir of Modern Silverware."
    Ach! My blog is acting up again (the font does not obey me). I'll fix it (or attempt to) and will perhaps do a book review if I can figure out why my blog won't shrink down pictures.