Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yep, I'm a Liar

I admit it full-heartedly. I have not kept up with my promise. I have not written often. In fact, I missed a month, maybe two. But that's not my fault. I blame school. (Does anyone really like things like math 1050 or physics? Nah, I don't think so.)
But perhaps the biggest reason  have not kept up (okay, so it's only been a week since this reason became valid...) is NaNoWriMo. That's right; you read it correctly. NaNoWriMo is a fantastic website that holds all my wildest dreams in it's open hands. This is the year I will make the time to write this story I have been so excited for ever since I came up with the idea a year or three ago. This is going to be the fantastic time I will prove that I am an author. And, if I am ahead of schedule, maybe I'll introduce another story. (Actually, if I can hold it in until next November, I may use that idea for November 2014. My, that sounds so far away!)
Anyway, maybe I'll find time to write this entry I have been dying to (the problem is I can't remember the topic right now...oops).