Well, I can say that it is truly a snow day and has been since yesterday at around six AM. It didn't stop snowing all day, into today, and stopped about an hour and a half ago. The snow looks to be 1 and a 1/2 to 2 feet tall. I love it. I have already been out there for about and hour or so, and during that time spent outside, I started to construct a small, tester igloo. It is very small, but it is at least standing up. It is about a foot tall so far, but I plan to start doming it in and round it after another 6 inches or so. Right now I am taking a break (even though I wasn't cold) to eat some of the cobbler I made.
Lately (okay, since yesterday) I have been cooking a lot. So far I have made taco soup, banana bread, coconut macaroons, peach cobbler (from Jamie's recipe!), and scones. And I must say, they are all pretty de-lish. At least, I have gotten some compliments, if that means anything. But since I don't have anything else going on, I don't have anything else to type.
Oooh, except for my grandparents, they have three 3-D tvs, and man do they work good! They are so much better than the theater screens, and they are actual 3-D glasses, not plastic frames with a thin sheet lens that looks weird. No, these are really nice glasses that take batteries. You see, they only work if you are looking through each lens individually. Saying that, I learned that the batteries make a flash of sorts in the lenses. Each lense gets an alternate, every-other-flash flash. They blink 150 times each per minute. So what I mean to say is, the lenses take turns blinking. It has a very beneficial and awesome effect.
i miss cooking with you all, but I do not miss the clean up, oh wait, what am I saying? Grandma usually cleaned up!